May 16th, 2012 Board Minutes

County Community Radio Minutes for May 16th, 2012

Attended: Louise McFaul, Angela Stever, John Mather, Doug Monk, Treat Hull, Mary Sinclair

Absent: Conrad Beaubien, Shelagh Mathers, Peter Fleming

John and Treat attended an OFA meeting and received a letter of support. They expressed that they are not looking for market reports but would rather see our efforts directed at farm safety, with an emphasis on upcoming events in the farming community. Also, programs that educate the public on farming.

Next week, Treat will attend Shire Hall to get a letter of support from town council.

At the AGM, we will present the four logos that Tim Synder has graciously done up for us, to get public feedback on the designs.

Louise will do up a financial plan summary for our next meeting, which will be included in the AGM presentation.

We are still looking at planning some fundraising events. John will look into a pancake breakfast at Foster Farms and Ange will think more about a September event.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 30th, 5pm before the AGM