August 14th Board Minutes

County Community Radio Minutes for August 14th, 2012

Attended: Angela Stever, John Mather, Doug Monk, Treat Hull, Mary Sinclair, Shelagh Mathers, Bernie Finkelstein

Absent: Peter Fleming

A couple of station tours have been booked, one for Fergus on the 20th and another for Port Hope on the 29th. Those who attend will report back at our next meeting.

Treat is putting together a fundraising team. Anyone with suggestions, please forward them to him.

 John will come with some criteria for what we are looking for in Studio space (easily accessible, wiring etc) and come up with a short list of possible studio locations.

239 members have signed up so far, so our goal of 250 is days away!

Several events are coming up that we can attend, including the Milford Fair. Mary will send around a list to see who can volunteer.

Tim Synder has stepped up to help with our web design.

Next Meeting: Thursday, September 6th, 1pm