Community Event Guidelines

The station welcomes community event announcements (Public Service Announcements or PSA’s) from not-for-profit groups only. For-profit businesses should contact to ask about our advertising programs.

Newly received requests are reviewed twice weekly by volunteers on Wednesday and Sunday, which is when our web site and on-air announcements are updated.

There is a limited amount of website space and airtime for PSA’s. We endeavor to broadcast as many announcements as possible, but cannot guarantee that all events submitted will be broadcast on the air. To ensure available website space and airtime is shared with our many wonderful NFP organizations,  there is a limit of 3 active PSA’s for any organization. If your submission results in your organization exceeding this limit your “oldest” current PSA will be removed from our rotation.

Announcements are limited to 350 charactersapproximately equal to 30 seconds on-air. The message in the announcement box must include what the event is, where it is, the date and time and why listeners should attend. The message must also be in complete sentences. Please try reading your announcement out loud before submitting it.

For maximum impact, event announcements should be submitted a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of four weeks in advance of the event date.

If you notice an error in your community event, please email to have the information on the web site corrected and call 613-476-2229 to have the on-air announcement corrected.

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