Monday 12:05 to 1 pm and 6:05 to 7 pm
Topical Issues: Current Events
Tuesday from 12:05pm to 1pm / 6:05pm to 7pm
Consumer Information
The series explored the history of Prince Edward Heights, a…
Listen to this amazing series that was broadcast April 6 – M…
The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Associat…
Join Vanessa Pandos and Canadian music industry icon and fou…
Friday from 7pm to 8pm
This is a show about wandering through music and connected s…
Tuesday from 8pm to 10pm
He is a self-taught musician and multi-instrumentalist, and…
Thursday from 9 pm to 10 pm
Dave works here at the station as head of creative, handling…
Saturday from 12pm to 6:00 pm
Listen to familiar tunes presented in unexpected ways. Catch…
Thursday from 10pm to 11pm
Wondrous Stories swims against the musical mainstream. This…
Sunday from 8pm to 9pm
The Spoken Word is a weekly exploration and celebration of p…
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