Anne Russell

Anne Russell

DJ / Grapevine

Anne Russell hosts Music Flow Tuesdays 10:00 to 2:00 and co-hosts What’s Happening on Thursday Grapevine.

Anne’s friends always rely on her to win the music section of any trivia contests that they enter. Her first album was The Beatles, Rubber Soul (which she still has), and she fondly remembers picking up her copy of the CHUM Top 20 each week at the local record store, often with a new 45 record to listen to over and over again (until her parents complained). Anne is very happy to call The County home since 2011. She volunteers her time with several organizations and loves the time she spends at the station, whether it’s behind the scenes or as a Music Flow Host on Thursdays from 10 – 2. It’s about as far removed as you can get from a working career in finance. It scares her a little bit each time she goes on air, but, that’s a good thing.

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