Grapevine Monday
Monday 12:05 to 1 pm and 6:05 to 7 pm
Topical Issues: Current Events
Grapevine Tuesday
Tuesday from 12:05pm to 1pm / 6:05pm to 7pm
Consumer Information
Grapevine Wednesday
Wednesday from 12:05pm to 1pm / 6:05pm to 7pm
The County Cooks, Taking Care of Business, and The County Naturally.
Voices from the Past: A Retrospective from Prince Edward Heights
The series explored the history of Prince Edward Heights, a former institution for people with intel…
Voices from the Shadows: Homelessness in a Rural Community
Listen to this amazing series that was broadcast April 6 – May 25 2023. In 2022-2023, volunteers fro…
Outsmarting the Scammers: Helping Seniors Fight Fraud
The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association, and the Municipality of the County…
True North Sessions
Join Vanessa Pandos and Canadian music industry icon and founder of True North records, Bernie Finke…
Music Flow Tuesday
Tuesday from 11pm to 5am
A cross section of our finest music from all genres including great local County artists
Music Flow Wednesday
Wednesday from 10pm to 5am
A cross section of our finest music from all genres including great local County artists
Regent Rock with Dave Wheatley
Thursday from 9 pm to 10 pm
Dave works here at the station as head of creative, handling advertising, promotions, and imaging. N…
Saturday Shenanigans with Pat Larkin
Saturday from 12pm to 6:00 pm
Listen to familiar tunes presented in unexpected ways. Catch Pat’s creative outlet. View program pla…
Saturday’s County Party Time with The Tripper
Saturday from 8pm - 2am
Saturday’s County Party Time with the Tripper Steve “Tripper” Billinger volunteers his time at the s…